States in Odd-OddCu62Populated by the Decay ofZn62

The decay of 9.2-h Zn62 to states in odd-odd Cu62 has been studied with the aid of large-volume Ge(Li) γ-ray detectors. 19 γ rays were found to belong to this decay, and all were placed in a decay scheme containing states in Cu62 at 0 (Jπ=1+), 40.94 (2+), 243.44 (2+), 287.98 (2+), 426.3 (3+), 548.4 (1+), 637.5 (1+), 915.6 ([1]+), 1142.5 ([0,1]+), 1280.8 ([0,1]+), and 1429.9 keV ([1,0]+). These were combined with existing in-beam γ-ray particle-transfer data to yield a rather complete Cu62 level scheme. The status of shell-model calculations in this nuclear region is discussed, and it is demonstrated that a gratifying number of facts about the low-lying Cu62 states can be explained using simple odd-odd configurations as predicted by the neighboring odd-mass nuclei.

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