Under anaerobic circumstances in the presence of nitrateParacoccus denitrificans is able to denitrify. The properties of the reductases involved in nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, nitric oxide reductase, and nitrous oxide reductase are described. For that purpose not only the properties of the enzymes ofP. denitrificans are considered but also those fromEscherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, andPseudomonas stutzeri. Nitrate reductase consists of three subunits: the α subunit contains the molybdenum cofactor, the β subunit contains the iron sulfur clusters, and the γ subunit is a special cytochromeb. Nitrate is reduced at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane and evidence for the presence of a nitrate-nitrite antiporter is presented. Electron flow is from ubiquinol via the specific cytochromeb to the nitrate reductase. Nitrite reductase (which is identical to cytochromecd 1) and nitrous oxide reductase are periplasmic proteins. Nitric oxide reductase is a membrane-bound enzyme. Thebc 1 complex is involved in electron flow to these reductases and the whole reaction takes place at the periplasmic side of the membrane. It is now firmly established that NO is an obligatory intermediate between nitrite and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide reductase is a multi-copper protein. A large number of genes is involved in the acquisition of molybdenum and copper, the formation of the molybdenum cofactor, and the insertion of the metals. It is estimated that at least 40 genes are involved in the process of denitrification. The control of the expression of these genes inP. denitrificans is totally unknown. As an example of such complex regulatory systems the function of thefnr, narX, andnarL gene products in the expression of nitrate reductase inE. coli is described. The control of the effects of oxygen on the reduction of nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide are discussed. Oxygen inhibits reduction of nitrate by prevention of nitrate uptake in the cell. In the case of nitrite and nitrous oxide a competition between reductases and oxidases for a limited supply of electrons from primary dehydrogenases seems to play an important role. Under some circumstances NO formed from nitrite may inhibit oxidases, resulting in a redistribution of electron flow from oxygen to nitrite.P. denitrificans contains three main oxidases: cytochromeaa 3, cytochromeo, and cytochromeco. Cytochromeo is proton translocating and receives its electrons from ubiquinol. Some properties of cytochromeco, which receives its electrons from cytochromec, are reported. The control of the formation of these various oxidases is unknown, as well as the control of electron flow in the branched respiratory chain. Schemes for aerobic and anaerobic electron transport are given. Proton translocation and charge separation during electron transport from various electron donors and by various electron transfer pathways to oxygen and nitrogenous oxide are given. The extent of energy conservation during denitrification is about 70% of that during aerobic respiration. In sulfate-limited cultures (in which proton translocation in the NADH-ubiquinone segment of the respiratory chain is lost) the extent of energy conservation is about 60% of that under substrate-limited conditions. These conclusions are in accordance with measurements of molar growth yields.

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