Change in ovarian arterial compliance during the human menstrual cycle assessed by Doppler ultrasound

Summary. Ovarian arterial velocimetry, using real‐time two‐dimensional and pulsed Doppler ultrasound, was performed on 36 occasions in nine healthy women with regular menstrual cycles. The change in ovarian arterial compliance was based on the calculation of pulsatility index (PI). In the active ovary carrying a dominant follicle or corpus luteum, the PI in the early follicular phase (mean 6.97, SD 2.01) was significantly higher than that in the late follicular phase (mean 2.36, SD 0.31) (Pvs [6‐29 (SD 1‐02)], [0‐68 (SD 0.09)] vs [6.18 (SD 1.33)], [0.93 (SD 0.16) vs [6‐57 (SD 1.72)] (P<0.001), respectively. Use of non‐invasive Doppler ultrasound to study physiology of ovarian haemodynamics during the menstrual cycle is of great clinical relevance and paves the way for further investigations on sterility.

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