Homozygous loss of the MTSl/pl6 and MTS2/pl5 genes in lymphoma and lymphoblastic leukaemia cell lines

Summary. The genes MTS1/p16 and MTS2/p15 located in 9p21 encoding cyclin‐dependent kinase‐4 inhibitors are homozygously deleted in a number of different tumour cell lines. By PCR analysis of 30 cell lines, including 10 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and 20 lymphoma cell lines, we found homozygous deletions of at least one locus in 11 (37%) cell lines. MTS1‐speciflc sequences were deleted in 70% of ALL (reaching 86% in T‐cell ALL) but in none of the non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) cell lines. MTS2‐specific sequences were deleted in 40% of ALL and 17% of NHL cell lines. We observed a higher frequency of MTS1 deletions in ALL than in NHL (P< 0.001) and in T‐cell neoplasms compared to B‐cell neoplasms (67%v 6%; P= 0.001). In ALL‐derived cell lines deletions of the MTS2 gene only occurred in cases with MTS1 deletions but in NHL only in cases without MTS1 deletions.