A Comparison of Orchardgrass-Ladino Clover and Orchardgrass as Pasture for Milking Dairy Cows

Holstein cows produced more 4% fat-corrected-milk (FCM) while a mixed pasture of orchard-grass and Ladino clover than while grazing orchardgrass heavily fertilized with nitrogen. Differences in FCM production from the 2 pastures averaged 5.0, 3.1, and 2.8 lb/cow/day for the years 1955, 1956, and 1957, respectively. Also, higher returns over concentrate and fertilizer costs were obtained from the grass-clover mixture. The differences in returns were $0.31, $0.23, and $0.18/cow/day for the 3 years. The progressive decline in differences in production and returns by years appeared to be related to a similar decline in percentage of clover in the mixed stand.