Self aware actuation for fault repair in sensor networks

Actuation ability introduces a fundamentally new design dimension in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks, allowing the network to adaptively reconfigure and repair itself in response to unpredictable run-time dynamics. One of the key network resources in these systems is energy and several uncontrollable factors lead to situations where a certain segment of the network becomes energy constrained before the remaining network. The performance gets limited due to the constrained sections. We argue that in this scenario, instead of rendering the complete network useless, the remaining energy resources should be reorganized to form a new functional topology in the network. We present methods for the network to be aware of its own integrity and use actuation to improve performance when needed. This capability of the system is referred to as "self aware actuation". In this paper, we consider a network where nodes (or a subset of the nodes) have traction ability. The network uses mobility to repair the coverage loss in the area being monitored by it. We present a completely distributed energy aware algorithm (referred to as CO-Fi) for coordinated coverage fidelity maintenance in sensor networks. The energy overheads of mobility are incorporated in the algorithm, thus leaving no hidden costs. Our preliminary analysis shows that CO-Fi can significantly help improve the usable lifetime of these networks.

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