Increasing the Report of Alcohol Use among Low-Income Pregnant Women

Purpose.: To increase the report of prenatal alcohol use in a community setting. Methods.: A self-administered alcohol screening tool was developed and introduced at 12 randomly selected sites that administer the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). A matched sample of 12 WIC sites continued to use the existing verbal standard of care for assessing alcohol use. Results.: Rates of reported prenatal alcohol consumption at the 12 WIC intervention sites were compared with rates at 12 control WIC sites using a repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent-samples t-tests. Within 8 months of study commencement, rates of reported prenatal alcohol consumption were significantly higher at the intervention sites than at the control sites. Discussion.: Use of a brief, self-administered screening tool in the WIC setting significantly increased reports of prenatal alcohol use, a key first step in the reduction of prenatal alcohol use. The WIC setting represents an excellent place to address the significant public health issue of prenatal alcohol exposure.