Photoelectron-spectroscopy study of the electronic structure of Au and Ag overlayers on Pt(100), Pt(111), and Pt(997) surfaces

We have used photoelectron spectroscopy techniques [UPS (ultraviolet) and XPS (x ray)] to study the electronic structure of Au and Ag overlayers deposited on Pt(100), Pt(111), and Pt(997). Between 0 and 1 monolayer, the valence bands of Au and Ag show changes in the form of shifts of the most tightly bound peaks and the appearance of new structures around a coverage =1 monolayer. The Au 5d32 peak shifts 0.6 eV towards higher binding energies when varies from 0.1 to 1 monolayer and 0.5 eV more when varies from 1 to 6 monolayers. In the case of Au on Pt(100) a shallow minimum in the work function around =1 monolayer is observed. The 4f core levels of Au on Pt(100) shift also to higher binding energy as increases. From =0 to 1 monolayer the shift is 0.6 eV and from =1 to 4 monolayers additional 0.4-eV shift is observed. These shifts are explained as due to the changing contributions of the Au atoms in island edges for surface (<1) and bulk (>1) coordination positions.