Decomposition Process of Various Organic Wastes in Soil With Reference to Gel Chromatography

For monitoring the decomposition process of various organic wastes with different C/N ratios in soil, the applicability of gel chromatography of the water extract was investigated. The organic wastes were classified into two groups A and B, according to the characteristic gel chromatogram patterns of water extracts from fresh organic wastes. It was confirmed that these two groups exhibited different patterns of nitrogen transformation when they were incorporated into soil. When organic wastes in Group A with relatively low C/N ratios were incorporated into soil, the chromatograms recorded at UV 280 nm wavelength changed from pattern I to II and then to pattern III, and indicated a stabilized state of organic matter in soil due to the nitrification of ammonium. When organic wastes in Group B with relatively high C/N ratios were incorporated into soil, nitrogen immobilization occurred in the early stage of incorporation and pattern II persisted for a long period. The nitrogen transformation was more accurately monitored by gel chromatograms recorded both at UV 280 and 210 nm.