Flavin dynamics in reduced flavodoxins

The time-resolved fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy characteristics of reduced flavin mononucleotide in solution as well as bound in flavodoxins isolated from the bacteria Desulfovibrio gigas, Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Clostridium beijerinckii MP and Megasphaera elsdenii have been examined. All fluorescence and fluorescence anisotropy decays were analyzed by two different methods: (a) least-squares fitting with a sum of exponentials and (b) the maximum entropy method to yield distributed lifetimes and correlation times. The results of both approaches are in excellent agreement. The fluorescence decay of the free as well as protein-bound reduced flavin chromophore is made up of three components. The shortest component proves to be relatively sensitive to the environment and can therefore be used as a diagnostic tool to probe the microenvironment of the reduced isoalloxazine ring system. The other two longer fluorescence lifetime components are insensitive to the chromophore environment and seem therefore to be related to intrinsic, photophysical properties of the reduced chromophore. Fluorescence anisotropy decays show that the flavin mononucleotide in all four reduced flavodoxins is immobilized within the protein matrix, as indicated by the recovery of a single rotational correlation time, reflecting the rotation of the whole protein. No indications are found that rapid structural fluctuations occur in reduced flavodoxins, and the mechanism of electron transfer from flavodoxin to other redox proteins seems to involve immobilized reduced flavin.