Resolvent operator approach to many-body perturbation theory. II. Open shells

In this paper, we develop a time‐dependent approach to many‐body perturbation theory for open shells based on the resolvent of the Schrödinger equation. We introduce, analogous to the closed‐shell case, quantities Sij(t) = i<φi‖e−i(H−Ec)t ‖ψj>/<ψj0‖ψj>, where ψj0 and ψj are the jth unperturbed and exact functions, respectively. The ψj0s can be expressed in terms of ’’model space’’ functions φi = Ωi+‖φ>, where the Ωi+ are appropriate creation/annihilation operator products acting on a conveniently chosen closed‐shell vacuum φ. These φi’s are not necessarily degenerate with respect to the unperturbed Hamiltonian H0. Ec is the exact (correlated) energy of the vacuum φ. The Fourier transforms Sij(ω) of Sij(t) have the form Sij (ω)=<φi‖(ω +Ec−H)−1‖ψj>/<ψj0‖ψ j> and thus have poles at energy differences (Ej−Ec), i.e., relative to the exact vacuum energy. Using the time‐dependent perturbation expansion of S(t), we obtain a Dyson‐like equation −1(ω)=N̄0–1(ω)+Σ, where N̄ is defined as ij (ω) = <φi‖(ω+Ec−H)−1‖φj> and 0 is the corresponding unperturbed component. Knowledge of the combining coefficients Cji in ψj0JCjiφi is thus not required for finding the poles. We arrive at the Dyson‐like equation by first eliminating closed diagrams and then regrouping the remaining terms in the perturbation series for S into ’’top’’ and ’’bottom’’ parts. Regrouping appropriate to the Brillouin–Wigner (BW) case together with an associated time‐integration procedure yields ΣBW which consists of disconnected and ω‐dependent diagrams. This is shown to yield the open‐shell BW series in the Bloch–Horowitz form. An alternative regrouping procedure and use of the ’’folding technique’’ of Johnson and Baranger leads to a ΣRS which is ω‐independent, Hermitian, contains connected diagrams only, and is, thus, size‐consistent.