Biogenesis of Plasma Membranes in Salt Glands of Salt-Stressed Domestic Ducklings: Localization of Acyltransferase Activity

In response to salt water stress there is a marked increase in the plasma membranes of the epithelial secretory cells of the salt glands of domestic ducklings. In the present study, the fine-structural localization of the acyltransferases involved in synthesis of phospholipids has been investigated in this tissue during this increased biogenesis of plasma membranes. The specific activity of the acyltransferases of the salt gland rose in response to salt stress, and this preceded the rapid increase in weight and cellular differentiation. After the weight increase of the gland became established, the specific activity of the acyltransferases declined, but the total activity remained constant. Salt gland tissue fixed in a mixture of glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde retained 35 % of the acyltransferase activity of unfixed tissue. Cytochemical studies of the localization of acyltransferase activity in fixed and unfixed salt gland showed reaction product associated only with the lamellar membranes of the Golgi complex. This localization occurred in partially differentiated cells from salt-stressed glands to the greatest extent; and to only a small extent in cells of control tissue from unstressed salt glands. Omission of substrates resulted in absence of reaction product in association with the Golgi membranes. In addition, vesicles having limiting membranes morphologically similar to the plasma membrane occurred between the Golgi region and the plasma membrane in the partially differentiated cells. The phospholipid component of the plasma membrane appears therefore to be synthesized in association with the Golgi membranes and the membrane packaged at this site from which it moves in the form of vesicles to fuse with the pre-existing plasma membrane.