Constraints on neutrino parameters from neutral-current solar neutrino measurements

We generalize the pull approach to define the $\chi^2$ function to the analysis of the data with correlated statistical errors. We apply this method to the analysis of the Sudbury Neutrino Collaboration data obtained in the salt-phase. In the global analysis of all the solar neutrino and KamLAND data we find the best fit (minimum $\chi^2$) values of neutrino parameters to be $\tan^2 \theta_{12} \sim 0.42$ and $\delta m_{12}^2 \sim 7.1 \times 10^{-5}$ eV$^2$. We confirm that the maximal mixing is strongly disfavored while the bounds on $\delta m_{12}^2$ are significantly strengthened.Comment: 6 figures. Some typos are corrected, figures are visually improve