Cell surface changes in the developing optic nerve of mice

A recently defined antibody to a cell surface protein, M6, inhibits neurite outgrowth in culture (Lagenaur, Fushiki, and Schachner: Soc Neurosci. Abstr. 10:739, '84). In the developing mouse, the antibody stains all parts of the primary optic pathway at birth. Over the next week, staining is lost from the proximal segment of the optic nerve and a week later from the more central part of the nerve. By contrast staining persists through adulthood in the optic fiber layer of the retina. This means that single axons in the mature optic nerve express the antigen over only the proximal few millimeters of their course and over their terminal region. The results are discussed in relation to the overall maturation of the optic pathway and to the processes of membrane maturation and myelination.