A chemical study on "Yakatsu" stored in Shosoin repository. Isolation and characterization of four indole alkaloids from a 1250 year-old sample of the Chinese toxic medicine.

On the occasion of the second scientific investigation on ancient medicines stored in Shosoin repository, a chemical study of the constituents of a medicine with the code name N-127, Uyaku-no-zoku (_??__??_ 127_??_, _??__??__??__??_), was carried out. We isolated four indole alkaloids, gelsevirine, koumine, gelsemine, and sempervirine, in pure states from the toxic medicine of the 8th century. This result indicates that the medicine is obviously Yakatsu (_??__??_) listed in the dedicatory document, Shuju- yaku-cho (_??__??__??__??_) and the original plant isGelsemium elegans Benth. endemic to southern part of China.

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