Induced-moment spin-glass system: Nonstoichiometric PrP

Stoichiometric praesodymium phosphide, PrP, has a crystalline electric field (CEF) singlet ground state and exhibits temperature-independent Van Vleck susceptibility at low temperatures. PrP does not show magnetic ordering down to 1 K. In contrast, phosphorous-deficient samples (PrPy) show temperature-dependent susceptibilities at low temperatures, indicating an induced magnetic moment on the Pr sites. Selected samples of PrPy for 0.95>~y>~0.85 show spin-glass behavior. Measurements of the magnetic properties (some of which were performed in high hydrostatic pressures to 8 kbar) include: (1) high-field magnetization versus field to 60 kOe, (2) low-field magnetization versus temperature for 1.4<~T<~20 K, and (3) ac susceptibility versus temperature over a very wide frequency range, 0.003<~f<~104 Hz. The ac susceptibility measurements for PrP0.95 show that for f<1 Hz, the spin-glass transition temperature, Tf9 K, is independent of f, and with hydrostatic pressure Tf increases as dTfdP=+0.12 K/kbar. Time-dependent remanent effects are observed for T<~Tf. No specific-heat anomaly is discernible near Tf. Pressure-dependent magnetization measurements to 8 kbar show that the magnetic moments and/or interactions between moments increase with decreasing lattice constant, consistent with pressure studies on stoichiometric PrP. The magnetic properties of non-stoichiometric PrPy depend strongly on lattice constant and method of preparation. Susceptibility data on PrS0.85 and Pr0.1 La0.9 P0.85, which do not show spin-glass behavior, illustrate the influence of anion vacancies on the magnetic properties. The CEF level scheme is drastically altered by the symmetry changes produced by P vacancies, but it is believed that increased conduction-electron concentration plays an important role in inducing the Pr moments in nonstoichiometric PrP compounds.

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