Adaptation to Starch in Steers Fed by Nipple Pail

In a cross-over design, 4 Holstein steers averaging 8 months of age were fed milk-type diets by nipple pail, which contained 57. 6 percent corn starch or lactose. After 5 weeks of treatment, blood sugar responses to aqueous test meals containing lactose or starch were measured. Following feeding periods, only the starch ration was fed and nutrient digestibilities were determined. Gains were higher (P < .01) on lactose than starch (0. 70 vs 0. 31 kg/day). Maximym increases in blood sugar following administration of the lactose average 3 times higher than for starch. Calves conditioned to lactose gave higher blood sugar responses (P < .10) to both the lactose and starch than those conditioned to starch. Previous ration had no effect on digestibilities of starch or any other nutrient. Starch digestibilities for all steers averaged 60. 1 percent.