Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment in the Community

Several English consultant psychiatrists were asked to identify which patients currently under their care they would recommend for treatment with a community treatment order, if such a provision existed. The psychiatrists were asked to match each such 'nominated' patient for age, sex and diagnosis with one or two control patients, not considered to require compulsory treatment in the community. From specific data collected, it was found that: the two groups did not differ in their 'lifetime' histories of psychiatric admissions, substance misuse, criminal charges or dangerousness; 65-72% of the total sample had a history of serious dangerousness; but in the 12 months before nomination, the 'nominated' patients were significantly less likely than the controls to have complied with psychiatric treatment, and more likely to have defaulted from follow-up. The results indicate that a psychiatrist's decision to recommend a patient for treatment with a community treatment order will depend predominantly on specific criteria related to the patient's recent past.