The preparation of nerve growth factors from snake venom

Methods of preparation, purification, and properties of nerve growth factor (NGF) purified from 3 snake venoms (Vipera russelli , labelled NGF-A, Vipera ammodytes labelled NGF-B, and Angkistrodon piscivorous labelled NGF-C) were presented. Conventional hanging-drop culture assay system was used with collagen (rat tail) as a supporting medium instead of the usual plasma clot. The fibers bundle strikingly and the response to a given concentration of NGF is qualitatively similar to that on plasma clot. The 3 proteins were homogeneous to sedimentation and diffusion analysis. Values of the weight calculated from the data assuming a partial specific volume of 0.745 are 42000 (NGF-A), 38000 (NGF-B), and 39000, the difference considered insignificant. The highly active material rapidly becomes less potent on storage in solution, but freeze-dried NGF was more stable.