An approximate dispersion-theoretic treatment of peripheral inelastic processes is introduced with the aid of a K-matrix formalism based on the impact-parameter representation of Blankenbecler and Goldberger. The method allows the use of one-meson exchange poles as a framework for constructing a multichannel scattering amplitude which satisfies unitarity in the high-energy region, allowing for an indefinitely large number of open channels. The reaction matrix is time-reversal symmetric and exhibits any other symmetries of the pole terms. Applications are numerically worked out for models of high-energy K¯p and np charge exchange, and in the former case satisfactory agreement with experiments is achieved. A qualitative discussion is given of peripheral isobar production models. The high-energy p¯p and K¯p diffraction scattering is examined, as well as the agreement of the small-momentum-transfer behavior with a simple model not involving Regge poles. The method sheds no light on the difference between p¯p and pp scattering at high energies.