Surface Structure and Nanomechanical Properties of Shewanella putrefaciens Bacteria at Two pH values (4 and 10) Determined by Atomic Force Microscopy

The nanomechanical properties of gram-negative bacteria ( Shewanella putrefaciens ) were investigated in situ in aqueous solutions at two pH values, specifically, 4 and 10, by atomic force microscopy (AFM). For both pH values, the approach force curves exhibited subsequent nonlinear and linear regimens that were related to the progressive indentation of the AFM tip in the bacterial cell wall, including a priori polymeric fringe (nonlinear part), while the linear part was ascribed to compression of the plasma membrane. These results indicate the dynamic of surface ultrastructure in response to changes in pH, leading to variations in nanomechanical properties, such as the Young's modulus and the bacterial spring constant.