Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and the Mobility of Water in CsMnCl3·2H2O

The 1H, 2D, 35Cl, and 133Cs NMR of CsMnCl2·2H2O single crystals have been studied. The proton positions could be determined from the observed shift and dipolar splitting and the deuteron positions from the nuclear quadrupole interaction. Conclusions about the hydrogen bonding network were drawn. The rate of the H2O and D2O reorientation was examined by NMR linewidth measurements at different temperatures and an activation energy of 8.4 kcal/mole computed. Positions and reorientation rate showed no measurable isotope effects. The NMR of the two chlorine sites at room temperature gave νq = 6.106 Mc/sec , η = 0.285 for the bridged chlorine (Mn–Cl–Mn) and νq = 4.192 Mc/sec , η = 0.727 for the single bonded (Mn–Cl). In both cases a hyperfine interaction of As = 1.30 × 10−4cm−1 and Ap = 0.14 × 10−4cm−1 was calculated from the observed paramagnetic shifts. The quadrupole coupling and magnetic shift tensors of 133Cs were measured and from the linewidth and saturation the relaxation times estimated.