PYURIA IS DEFINED by Dorland's Medical Dictionary1as "the presence of pus in the urine"; pus is defined as "a liquid inflammation product made up of cells (leukocytes) and a thin fluid called liquor puris." Wilson and Schloss2used the term "pyuria" to designate "the presence of sufficient pus to cause definite cloudiness of the urine." They further restricted the term to cases in which the pus cells were not only very numerous on microscopic examination, but also present in definite clumps. Smith3concluded that the diagnosis of pyuria is justified only when the number of leukocytes is "considerable, at least 8-10 per high-power field (HPF) in the uncentrifuged urine," but does not say whether in the catheterized or voided specimen; nor does he give data to support this conclusion. Several other authors4-6have reported varying normal and abnormal values for leukocytes in uncentrifuged and centrifuged