The assimilation of organic hazardous wastes by municipal solid waste landfills

Co-disposal of 12 compounds representing major organic classes (aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, pesticides, phenols, and phthalate esters) with shredded municipal solid waste was tested using a laboratory-scale column and pilot-scale lysimeter to characterize transport and transformation phenomena including sorption, volatilization and bioassimilation. Leachate and gases emitted from the lysimeters were examined for identifiable products of biotransformation. The results of this investigation provided a mechanistic evaluation of the attenuating and assimilative capacity of municipal solid waste landfills for specific organic compounds. Physical/chemical organic compound characteristics were related to refuse characteristics and composition to predict compound fate. Such knowledge is useful in developíng landfill management and operational strategies consistent with the need for control of pollutant releases.