Vagal feedback with expiratory threshold load under extracorporeal circulation

In 11 anesthetized dogs placed under extracorporeal circulation, the vagal feedback was tested by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerves with cold block of their caudal part and by passive lung hyperinflation. The apneic response to such vagal stimulation progressively disappeared during expiratory threshold load breathing but then returned to control values some minutes after the load was removed. This suppression of the inhibitory response to stimulation of the vagus nerves was usually observed when vagal afferents were intact or blocked by cold. However, it was not observed whether no evoked activity continued in expiratory muscles after the cold block, or after suppression of all proprioceptive muscular afferents after transection of the spinal cord at C6 level. These results strongly suggest that enhancement of proprioceptive inputs to the respiratory centers counteracts the vagally mediated inspiratory “off-switch” mechanisms.