Host-blood sources of 5 species of Culex (Melanaconion) from swamp-hammocks near Vero Beach and in the Everglades National Park were investigated. Precipitin test results suggest that Culex erraticus and Culex iolarnbdis feed primadly on birds, particularly Ciconiiformes, and Culex pilosus and Culex peceator feed predominantly on reptiles. In contrast, Culex Opisthopus feeds on a variety of mammals, including an unusually high pmportion of rodents. Hemoglobin crystallization tests on Cx. opisthopus blood meals revealed that rodem hosts in the Everglades (Mahogany Hammock) are mainly Hispid Cotton Rats (Sigmodon hispidus) and Colton Mice (Peromyscus gossypinus). These data indicate that Cx. opisthopus is the Cx. (Melanoconion) vectoring enzootic VEE virus among rodents in South Florida.