Design and Development of a Wireless Robotic Networked Aquatic Microbial Observing System

This paper describes the design, development, and initial application of a sensor-actuated network for sensing and sampling microbial communities in aquatic ecosystems. The network consists of ten stationary buoys and one mobile robotic boat for real-time, in situ measurements and analysis of chemical and physical factors governing the abundance and dynamics of microorganisms at biologically relevant spatiotemporal scales. The goal of the network is to obtain high-resolution information on the spatial and temporal distributions of plankton assemblages and concomitant environmental parameters in aquatic environments using the in situ presence afforded by the network and to make possible network-enabled robotic sampling of hydrographic features of interest. This work constitutes advances in (1) real-time observing in aquatic ecosystems and (2) sensor actuated sampling for biological analysis.