Serum amyloid A is present in the capillaries and microinfarcts of hypertensive monkey brain: An immunohistochemical study

Serum amyloid A (SAA) is a major inducible acute phase protein characterized as a transient injury specific constituent of high density lipoprotein. We investigated whether the acute phase SAA (A-apoSAA), as a marker of inflammation, is present in the brain of monkeys with surgically induced hypertension of 39 months duration. Sections from brains of normotensive monkeys (systolic blood pressure < 124 mmHg) and hypertensive monkeys (systolic blood pressure > 185 mmHg) were processed for immunohistochemistry with a rabbit polyclonal antiserum to human A-apoSAA. We found that A-apoSAA was present in hypertensive but not in normotensive brain sections. Staining was localized to capillary endothelial cells and occasionally to the entire vessel wall of the prefrontal cortex. Staining was also observed in the capillaries and in medium size vessels of the corona radiata, the head of the caudate and, to a smaller extent, in the putamen. Additionally, the A-apoSAA was present in cells forming a circular configuration within microinfarcts. These findings suggest that high blood pressure in the brain can result in either local production of A-apoSAA in the capillaries and within microinfarcts or uptake of A-apoSAA from the blood