Glycaemic control in pancreatectomized dogs with a wearable artificial endocrine pancreas

A needle-type glucose sensor has been developed using a platinum electrode covered with immobilized glucose oxidase. Experiments with albumin-saline solution in vitro showed that at 5.5 mmol/l glucose concentration the output current generated was 1.2±0.4 nA (mean ± SD). The current increased as a linear function of glucose concentration over the range (0–27.7 mmol/l). The response time to reach 90% of the final plateau value was 16.2±6.2 s. The signal-to-noise ratio of the sensor was 15.8±2.6 decibels. The temperature coefficient in output was 2.3±1.0%/°C. The current output was not affected significantly by changes in oxygen tension of the solution in the range 25–150 mmHg. In vivo, the output current of sensors inserted into the subcutaneous tissues of dogs was directly related to blood glucose concentrations after oral glucose or meals. Daily checking of the sensors maintained in subcutaneous tissues in five dogs showed that the sensitivity decreased gradually to 87.2±7.6% at 72 h, and dropped significantly to 57.4±7.0% of the initial output by 96 h. A wearable artificial endocrine pancreas (18.0 × 17.7 × 7.9 cm, 700 g) was developed, consisting of a needle-type glucose sensor, a microcomputer system and a pump driving mechanism. Three pancreatectomized dogs were fitted with the system by inserting the sensor into subcutaneous tissue. By renewing the sensor every fourth day, the device could maintain the daily glucose variations in diabetic dogs within the range 5–9.5 mmol/l for 7 days.