Antipsychotic effect of propranolol on chronic schizophrenics: Study of a gradual treatment regimen

Ten chronic treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients were treated in a single-blind trial for six weeks with propranolol in daily doses increasing up to 3 g in order to evaluate a modified dose regimen of propranolol treatment in these patients. Four of the patients improved significantly and could be released from the hospital, regaining premorbid social and work adjustments. The modified regimen proved safe as long as the dose increment was not more than 80 mg/day. The mean therapeutic level of propranolol was 1600 mg/day, which proved to be a safe dose. Although three patients with hypertensive encephalophaty responded, their response was related not to the maximum dose but to a drastic change in the rate of the dose increase. It seems that on the basis of these results a double-blind comparative study would be worthwhile.