Computer-Aided Localization Techniques for Stereotaxic Surgery

Two computer programs were written which localize coordinates of interest for stereotaxic procedures using the Leksell frame. The first program computes frame coordinates for a given point in a reference brain atlas. Landmarks used are the anterior and posterior commissures and the brain midline. The input required are the X-ray data for the coordinates of the commissures, X-ray beam center, and the patient’s brain midline. The second program computes the angles to be set up on the frame so that the electrode introducer will pass through two desired targets. The program will also compute the reference brain atlas coordinates for any point along a specific path of electrode introduction. The user can thereby determine the path of the electrode through various reference sections in the brain atlas. Inputs to the second program are the same as to the first plus the further input of either the two targets to be passed through or the frame angles to be used. Output is typed out immediately on the teletype.

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