Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of Fe16N2 films with high saturation magnetic flux density (invited)

Fe‐N films with thicknesses of 70–1000 Å were deposited by MBE onto Fe films which were epitaxially grown onto GaAs(100) substrates. Without the Fe layer, epitaxially grown Fe‐N films could not be obtained due to a reaction between Fe‐N and GaAs.TEM observations and x‐ray diffraction patterns showed that the epitaxially grown Fe‐N films consist of Fe16N2 and Fe, and that crystal orientation is Fe16N2 (001)//Fe(110). It was found that the saturationmagnetic flux density (B s ) increases as the thickness of the Fe‐N films decreases. This is because the volume ratio of Fe16N2 in the Fe‐N films increases with decreasing Fe‐N film thickness. The maximum value for B s is 2.66 T, and the volume ratio is 85%. These results indicate that Fe16N2 has a high saturationmagnetic flux density of 2.8–3.0 T.