The Quarantine Bay 4RC CO2 WAG Pilot Projects: A Postflood Evaluation

Summary: This paper reviews the design, implementation, and performance of a miscible CO2 water-alternating-gas (WAG) project in a U.S. gulf coast reservoir. The field-test data obtained since the inception of the project in Oct. 1981 are presented, and solutions to such operational problems as downhole corrosion are discussed. Remarkable project response and recovery demonstrated that the CO2 WAG process is technically viable for mobilizing considerable amounts of residual oil from watered-out Miocene reservoirs. A 16.9% recovery of original oil in place (OOIP) was obtained with a CO2 slug size of 18.9% original HCPV. The CO2 requirement was 2.57 Mcf/bbl [458 m3/m3] of oil recovered.