The conversion of wheat RFLP probes into STS markers via the single-stranded conformation polymorphism technique

We describe a flexible and general strategy for converting a wheat RFLP-based assay into a PCR-based sequence-tagged site (STS), and have applied it to derive markers for a powdery mildew resistance gene present in a wheat–rye translocation. The concept is based on deriving PCR primers that amplify all of the homoeoloci defined by a single-copy cDNA sequence, and separating the resulting mixture of homoeoamplicons via single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) gels, which are able to detect minor differences between related DNA sequences. After their separation, the individual homoeoamplicons were sequenced and these were used to define nucleotide polymorphisms that could be exploited to design locus-specific PCR primers. In one case, we were able to demonstrate that the assay was allele specific.Key words: wheat–rye introgression, powdery mildew, RFLP, SSCP, STS.