Non-Fermi-liquid behavior in a heavy-fermion alloy at a magnetic instability

The specific heat C and electrical resistivity ρ of the heavy-fermion alloy CeCu5.9 Au0.1 exhibit non-Fermi-liquid behavior well below 1 K, i.e., C/T∝-ln(T/T0) and ρ=ρ0+AT, over more than a decade in temperature T. The magnetic susceptibility χ measured in 0.1 T shows a cusp for T→0. This behavior is attributed to the proximity to magnetic order: In contrast to CeCu6, CeCu6x Aux alloys show long-range antiferromagnetic order, with TN→0 for xc=0.1. Hence CeCu5.9 Au0.1 is at the edge of a zero-temperature quantum phase transition. In a large magnetic field (B≥3 T) Fermi-liquid behavior is recovered.