Plasmids inVibrio parahemolyticusStrains Isolated in Japan and Bangladesh with Special Reference to Different Distributions

Plasmids in naturally occurring V. parahaemolyticus strains isolated in Japan and Bangladesh were surveyed. Among the Japanese strains, about half of the strains isolated from stools of domestic diarrhea patients and of travelers returning from East Asia had plasmids; no food strains had plasmids. Among strains isolated in Bangladesh, none of the 4 strains isolated from patients had plasmids, but 2 of 8 strains isolated from water had plasmids, suggesting that plasmids are common in strains from the water in Bangladesh. All plasmids so far reported in V. parahaemolyticus were detected in stool isolates. Incidences of plasmids were not high in either area. In Japan, all plasmids were detected in strains form human intestines at C; in Bangladesh, where the temperature is .apprx. C, plasmids were detected in strains from the natural environment. These plasmids may have come from different bacteria under rather high temperatures and plasmid incidences may thus be influenced by the plasmid incidences in bacteria present in the vicinity of V. parahaemolyticus strains. None of these plasmids had any relation to the biological characters tested.