Susceptibility of Interlayer Potassium in Micas to Exchange with Sodium

Interlayer K in muscovite, biotite, phlogopite, illite and vermiculite-hydrobiotite samples was replaced by cation exchange with Na. The rate and amount of exchange varied with the mineral and the level of K in solution.Essentially, all the K in muscovite, biotite, phlogopite and vermiculite was exchangeable when the mass-action effect of the replaced KT was reduced by maintaining a very low level of K in solution. The time required for this exchange varied from < 10 hr with vermiculite to > 45 weeks with muscovite. Only 66% of the K in the illite was exchangeable under these conditions. When the replaced K was allowed to accumulate in the solution, the amount of exchange was determined by the level of K in solution required for equilibrium. These levels decreased with the degree of K-depletion and with the selectivity of the mica for K. The order of selectivity was muscovite > illite > biotite > phlogopite > vermiculite. Decreasing the K in solution from 10 to 7 ppm increased the exchangeable K in biotite from 30 to 100%. A K level of only 0.1 ppm restricted the exchange of K in muscovite to 17%.A decrease in layer charge was not required for K exchange, but a decrease did occur in K-depleted biotite and vermiculite. Muscovite with the highest layer charge (247 meq/100 g), least expansion with Na (12.3Å), and least sensitivity to solution pH had the highest selectivity for K and the slowest rate of exchange. The K in vermiculite was the most readily exchangeable.