Photosystem II (PS II) reactions of chloroplast particles show the same variations during the synchronous life cycle of Scenedesmus obliquus, strain D3 (Gaffron Biol. Zbl. 59, 302 1939), as the whole cells they derived from. Photosystem I (PS I) reactions of whole cells and of subchloroplast particles show little or no variation in their activity, whereas PS I reactions of chloroplast particles vary like PS II reactions during the life cycle. The variation in chloroplast particles could be attributed to the change in the reoxidation capacity of plastoquinone still attached to PS I. Digitonin-treatment of chloroplast particles from Scenedesmus and subsequent sucrose density gradient separation yielded 3 distinct fractions: Fraction I contained pure PS I particles with the most efficient PS I-mediated methylviologen (MV) reduction with subsequent oxygen uptake (3 mmol O2/mg Chl·h); no Hill reaction; and a high chlorophyll a/b ratio, and a vast amount of unbound protein xanthophyll complexes. Fraction II is enriched in PS II particles, with little PS I activity (less than 10% of the PS I particles) and a low chlorophyll a/b ratio. The activity of the water-splitting system was completely lost. This fraction must also contain most of the light-harvesting pigment system. Fraction III is also enriched in PS II with even less PS I activity, but the ratio of chlorophyll a/b is slightly higher than in whole cells and the water-splitting system is intact. β-carotene was part of all fractions whereas functional xanthophylls seemed to be restricted to the PS II particles. From the constant chlorophyll P/700 ratio we had to conclude that size of the photosynthetic unit does not change during the life cycle of a synchronized Scenedesmus obliquus culture.