Comparative Studies on the Effects of Linoleate and Methyl Linoleate and Their Hydroperoxides on the Respiration and Reactivities of Rat Heart Mitochondria1

Linoleate hydroperoxide and linoleate at concentrations of 100-140 nmol/mg protein activated state 4 respiration of rat heart mitochondria 4.2-fold, increased the apparent enthalpy change of the respiration per gram atom of oxygen consumed from -148 to -226 kJ/O and completely inhibited oxidative phosphorylation. Methyl linoleate hydroperoxide or methyl linoleate did not show the same effects. Further addition of linoleate hydroperoxide or linoleate induced oligomycin-insensitive Mg-ATPase to a level 5 or 2 times, respectively, that obtained with 120 μM dinitrophenol, accompanied by clearing of the mitochondrial suspension and release of malate dehydrogenase from the matrix. Methyl linoleate hydroperoxide had the same effects except that the induced Mg-ATPase activity retained oligomycin sensitivity. Methyl linoleate did not show either effect.