Two cases of Cogan's syndrome are the subject of this report. Both had systemic signs and symptoms of periarteritis nodosa. At least two other cases have occurred in the past three years in hospitals with which I am associated. The records of these are not available at this time. The possibility that this condition is present but unrecognized in other otolaryngologists' practices prompts the writing of this paper. A description of Cogan's syndrome as first reported by him in 19451 follows: The signs include ciliary injection and a granular-type corneal infiltration with patchy distribution (yellowish patches, between which the cornea is clear). The infiltration is situated predominantly in the posterior half of the cornea. Later the cornea becomes vascularized. Three of four cases have a chronic course, varying in severity from day to day. No reaction occurs in the anterior chamber or iris. The fundus is normal. Biomicroscopic examination