Effects in Patients of Intravenous Infusions of Purified Streptokinase Preparations.

Streptokinase, 6-7 fold purer than that previously available had a greatly diminished toxicity, when given by the intravenous route. The best of these preparations have only l/20th of the toxicity of the previous preparations. Systemic fibrinolysis was induced in man by infusion of these preparations, unprotected by reaction suppressing drugs. A comparison between those patients who showed peripheral blood fibrinolysis, ind those who did not, indicated that this state is asymptomatic in the human. Ecg (165) taker, on 60 patients, before, during and after the infusion of streptokinase showed few changes and these were of minor degree. Since they followed no consistent pattern it was not possible to ascribe the changes to the effect of the infusion.