Antiproton-proton annihilation at rest intoπ0M andγMwithM=φ, η’,ω,ρ0,η, andπ0

We have carried out high-statistics measurements of inclusive π0 and γ-ray spectra from p¯p annihilation at rest. From the monochromatic peaks in the π0 spectra, we derive the yield (or its upper limit) of the reaction p¯p→π0M for M=φ, η’, ω, ρ0, η, and π0. The same quantity was independently obtained from the γ-ray spectra, which included some π0’s that were mistaken as single γ rays due to the limited granularity of the γ detector. Taking the monochromatic peaks in the γ-ray spectra as being due to prompt γ rays, we also derive the upper limit for p¯p→γM.