Contingent take-home incentive: Effects on drug use of methadone maintenance patients.

This study examined contingent methadone take-home privileges for effectiveness in reducing on-going supplemental drug use of methadone maintenance patients. Fifty-three new intakes were randomly assigned to begin receiving take-home privileges after 2 consecutive weeks of drug-free urines or to a noncontingent procedure in which take-homes were delivered independently of urine test results. The contingent procedure produced more individuals with at least 4 consecutive weeks of abstinence (32% vs. 8%); 28% of noncontingent subjects also achieved abstinence after shifting to the contingent procedure. Lower baseline rate of drug-free urines was strongly associated with successful outcome, whereas the type of drug abused (cocaine vs. benzodiazepines) did not influence outcomes. Findings support a recommendation for using contingent take-home incentives to motivate abstinence during methadone maintenance treatment.