Distribution of Ascorbate-2-Sulfate and Distribution, Half-Life and Turnover Rates of [1-14C]Ascorbic Acid in Rainbow Trout

Rainbow trout (250 g) were maintained at 15°C for 3 months on a low ascorbic acid diet, given [1-14C]ascorbic acid by gavage, then fed the NAS/NRC requirement 12 times per week. Total urine, fecal water and branchial water were collected daily from five fish placed in metabolism chambers for four successive 5-day periods. Tissue samples were analyzed for 14C, ascorbic acid (C1) and ascorbate-2-sulfate (C2). Excretion analysis indicated t1/2 = 42 days. After 20 days, the feeding schedule was changed to 3 times per week. Fish fed 14C were sampled after 1, 2, 3 and 4 months. The half-life in each organ except brain was inversely proportional to the dietary level of ascorbate. Concentrations of C1 and C2 in the various tissues reflected dietary intake of vitamin C. Total C (CT = C1 + C2) levels were maintained in the liver even with the low vitamin C diet. Estimates of body pool for C1 are 27–29 mg/kg. At the higher ascorbate intake CT was 92–114 mg/kg, but decreased by 34% at the lower feeding rate to 51–62 mg/kg. Data indicate that there are two or more body pools that include a store of C2, which is readily interconverted in metabolizing tissues to and from C1. Since air and water stable C2 is antiscorbutic for fish, it is the preferred form of ascorbate for fish feeds.

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