Instability of a viscoelastic fluid between rotating parallel disks: analysis for the Oldroyd-B fluid

The stability of the viscometric motion of a viscoelastic fluid held between rotating parallel disks with large radii to small-amplitude perturbations is studied for the Oldroyd-B constitutive model. The disturbances are assumed to be radially localized and are expressed in Fourier form so that a separable eigenvalue problem results; these disturbances describe either axisymmetric or spiral vortices, depending on whether the most dangerous disturbance has zero or non-zero azimuthal wavenumber, respectively. The critical value of the dimensionless radius R* for the onset of the instability is computed as a function of the Deborah number De, a dimensionless time constant of the fluid, the azimuthal and radial wavenumbers, and the ratio of the viscosities of the solvent to the polymer solution. Calculations meant to match the experiments of McKinley et al. (1991) for a Boger fluid show that the most dangerous instabilities are spiral vortices with positive and negative angle that start at the same critical radius and travel outward and inward toward the centre of the disk; the axisymmetric mode also becomes unstable at only slightly greater values of R*, or De for fixed R*. The predicted dependence of the value of De for a fixed R* on the gap between the disks agrees quantitatively with the measurements of McKinley et al., when the longest relaxation time for the fluid at the shear rate corresponding to the maximum value of R* is used to define the time constant in the Oldroyd-B model.