The True Hanging Columella: Simplified Diagnosis and Treatment Using a Modified Direct Approach

An imbalance between the alar rim and the columella border can be a disturbing aesthetic deformity. If the cause is a pseudohanging columella, the therapy should be directed to the alar rims. When the deformity is a true hanging columella with unusually wide medial crural cartilages, balance can be restored by excising a C-shaped crescent of cartilage from the cranial border of the medial crura of the alar cartilages in a direct approach. This condition was present in approximately 15 percent of the patients reviewed. The treatment of a true hanging columella adds a subtle beneficial enhancement to the results of a rhinoplasty. The authors describe a simplified diagnostic method and present their experience treating the true hanging columella using a modified “direct approach” through a closed endonasal rhinoplasty.

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