Ameloblastic Odontoma

AMELOBLASTIC odontoma is an uncommon odontogenic tumor of mixed origin, having both epithelial and mesenchymal components. It has been reported in the literature under a variety of names including odontoblastoma,1 adamantoodontoma,2 calcified mixed odontogenic tumor,3 and soft and calcified odontoma.4 Ameloblastic odontoma is the preferred name because the tumor is formed from odontogenic epithelium which has differentiated to the stage of forming mature ameloblasts that deposit enamel matrix; the matrix in turn induces the mesenchymal component to lay down dentin, cementum, and bone in a random fashion.1 This tumor is of particular interest to both the dentist and the pediatrician, since it is one of the more frequently occurring odontogenic tumors in children.5 The table compares Gorlin's survey (composed of his own case plus those cases reported in the earlier literature which he thought belonged in this diagnostic category) with Hooker's survey (26 cases