Embriogenesi nucellare e sviluppo di piantine in vitro dalle nucelle di alcune specie di agrumi

Nucellar embryogenesis and « in vitro » plant development from the nucelli of some species of Citrus.—Studies on the nucellar embryogenesis have been carried aut through in vitro culture of the nucelli into basal medium MS supplemented with malt extract and adenine or 6-methylaminopurine. Pseudobulbils, embryoids and other proliferations of different shape and size, have been obtained from the nucelli of the following Citrus: bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso), cvs « Castagnaro », « Fantastico » and « Femminello »; clementine (Citrus reticulata Blanco) « Comune », « Monreal », « di Nules », « Oroval » and « Quattrostagioni » clones; lemon (Citrus limon—L.—Burm. f.), cvs « Femminello Siracusano » and « Monachello ». By using the citron (Citrus medica L.), cv. « Diamante », only calliform proliferations with some small rootlets, were obtained. With the addition of the malt extract and 6-methylaminopurine to the basal medium, a major number of embryoids differentiated. Rootlets were usually the first to develop from the embryoids, followed by small sprouts, and then the whole plant was obtained. Occasionally it happened, however, that only shoots were obtained whose development was likely to inhibit root formation. Generally, from the nucelli of clementine and lemon many plants were obtained: in one case, 200 plants of clementine « Oroval » were produced, with several subcultures, from a single nucellus. The bergamot, on the other hand, gave generally teratological proliferations and a few plants only.