Crossregulation between En‐2 and Wnt‐1 in chick tectal development

En-1, En-2 and Wnt-1 are proposed to be essential signals for the development of the optic tectum in chick embryos. Drosophila engrailed and wingless, homologs of En (En-1 and En-2) and Wnt-1, respectively, have been shown to crossregulate each other. In the present paper, it is reported that crossregulation between En-2 and Wnt-1 is preserved in the development of the chick optic tectum. When En-2 is overexpressed by the replication competent retroviral vector, Wnt-1 is expressed ectopically at the dorsal midline of the diencephalon. When Wnt-1 is introduced extrinsically either by ectopic transplantation of mesencephalon, or by implantation of Wnt-1 producing cells, En-2 is induced ectopically at the dorsal midline of the tel-diencephalic border. Thus, ectopic expression of En-2 and Wnt-1 leads to crossregulation of each other in the chick brain. As diencephalon transdifferentiates into the optic tectum by an appropriate signal, the crossregulation of En-2 and Wnt-1 in the diencephalon may mimic the relationship required for early development in the tectum.