The gravitational exchange of two fluids with different densities between reservoirs connected by a channel of constant depth and slowly varying breadth is analysed as a problem of internal hydraulics. It is shown that maximal two-way exchange with a net barotropic flow requires the presence of two controls, one at the narrrowest section and a second or ‘virtual’ control lying to one side of the narrowest section. The two controls are connected by a subcritical region, but are separated from subcritical conditions in the reservoirs by supercritical flow and stationary internal bores. Solutions are found for maximal exchange without a net barotropic component, in which case the problem is similar to that first examined by Stommel & Farmer (1953). The Stommel & Farmer analysis is shown to be a rather special limiting example of submaximal exchange, not generally applicable to natural flows. The addition of a net barotropic flow yields a range of different flow types, including maximal exchange, one-layer baroclinic flow, one-layer barotropic flow, submaximal flow governed by a reservoir condition and two-layer unidirectional flow. The maximal-exchange solution is integrated for periodic barotropic flow.

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